General assembly and newly elected board

On 12th January 2018 it was once again time for our bi-annual general assembly, the so-called Local Agora, of AEGEE-Dresden. And for a some new board members, because one of our former board members moved to Spain. We most definitely cannot blame her for doing so, because she is fulfilling our core vision about a diverse and borderless Europe, which… Read more →

Do it again, again, again: Develop Yourself!

For the fourth time already AEGEE-Dresden has organized “Develop Yourself”, an international self-development training course for young Europeans. When all participants met for the first time, we were not sure what to expect from the following four days and how they are going to change or influence us. Read more →

Meet up: Discrimination Zero

Almost one month ago, one of the most amazing projects of AEGEE-Dresden has come to an end. Discrimination0 was an exchange program opened to young people from 17 to 30 years old from Germany, Russia and Ukraine. The first part took place from 2nd – 7th of October in the picturesque Lviv, Ukraine and gathered 40 enthusiastic people, eager to… Read more →

Position Paper on the PEGIDA Movement in Dresden

On Saturday the 28th of October, PEGIDA, the self-acclaimed movement of “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the Occident” have celebrated their 3rd anniversary. The weekly demonstrations bring to the streets a melange of grim people, ranging from so-called “concerned citizens” all the way to radical neo-Nazis. Their agenda and slogans go far beyond the conservation of Europe’s christian-judean heritage… Read more →

Apply now: Discrimination Zero

Discrimination is a big issue in this world’s society. The aim of the ukrainian-german exchange is to call young people’s attention to the reasons and to possibilities to tackle this problem. The project includes two parts: One in Lviv, Ukraine from 2nd to 7th October and one in Dresden, Germany from 17th to 22nd November. Register here to join the… Read more →

Das neue Semester nähert sich: Melde dich beim Buddy Program an!

Im kommenden Sommersemester 2019 organisieren wir zum siebten Mal unser Buddy Program. Nachdem wir in den letzten Semestern jeweils viele hundert Studierende vermittelt haben freuen wir uns auf die nächste Auflage unseres Programmes!Wenn du ein Student hier in Dresden bist und gerne andere Sprachen kennenlernst, fremde Kulturen entdeckst, einem neuen Austauschstudenten helfen würdest, seine/ihre ersten Wochen in Dresden zu meistern… Read more →

A new board: the people and their visions behind it

The new board of AEGEE-Dresden worked their way through the first weeks of new responsibilities and experiences. But who are the people behind the positions that we know as President, Secretary, Treasurer and PR-Responsible who will shape the future of this Antenna? Read more →

New board 2017-2018

The 4th board of AEGEE-Dresden was elected at the annual general assembly, local Agora, on the 26th June. Again, it consists of four positions: Next to the president (Jens Oehlen), the secretary (Daniela Lascu) and the treasurer (Lukas Herzog), the PR-Responsible (Antonia von Richthofen) will complete the board. One member was elected into each position by the members of our… Read more →