AEGEE-Dresden followed DresDino to Warszawa! From 5th to 10th May we enjoyed a wonderful exchange with AEGEE-Warszawa and AEGEE-Kyiv in Warszawa. We had five days fully packed with workshops about the refugee crisis, teambuilding and getting to know Ukrainian, Polish and German culture together with the particpants of the other two contries. Now we know more detailed what’s going on… Read more →
Tag Archive for AEGEE-Kyiv
A German-Ukrainian friendship
Today, during Autumn Agora Kyïv, the semi-annual general assembly of AEGEE-Europe, AEGEE-Kyïv and we, AEGEE-Dresden, finally became twin antennae! What does this mean? It means that we intensify our work together. We help each other, we visit each other, we organize things together, even a bit more than before. This is awesome for AEGEE-Dresden, as AEGEE-Kyïv is an immense and… Read more →
Es ist Agora in Kyïv!
Pünktlich wie immer findet im Moment die europäische Vollversammlung von AEGEE statt, die sogenannte Agora. Für die Autumn Agora 2015, die zweite Agora dieses Jahr, wurde AEGEE-Kyïv als Veranstalter gewählt und somit findet die Agora diesmal in der Ukraine statt. Aktuell befinden sich rund 600 AEGEE-Vertreter aus über 100 verschiedenen europäischen Städten in Kyïv. AEGEE-Dresden ist natürlich auch vertreten! Während… Read more →
Exchange with AEGEE-Kyїv
20 members of AEGEE-Kyїv came to Dresden for an exchange from 1st to 6th of May. We hosted them and organized a full-time 6-day program for them with many cultural activities, workshops and trips. The focus part of this exchange were the workshops and discussions about the current issues in Ukraine and Active Citizenship. Our guests really enjoyed the time… Read more →
Free Hugs for Ukraine
On Saturday, 24th of January, AEGEE-Dresden members gathered in Pragerstr. to offer free hugs to everyone that passed by. But why did we do that and how did it turn out? Let’s find out! In AEGEE-Dresden, we are very concerned about different issues in Europe, but one that really touches us is the current war in Ukraine. We condemn any… Read more →