AEGEE Golden Times about our Fundraising Miracle

Dresden’s FR Miracle: 1120 Drinks, 71 Kilo Bread, 45 Kilo Tomatoes…
That’s the headline of a new article featured in AEGEE Golden Times online magazine about the story of our Fundraising campaign for the ongoing Summer University that we organized together with AEGEE-Wrocław and AEGEE-Berlin.

Herewith we want to say a very big THANK YOU again to the companies that supported us and made our Summer University possible!

This is no exaggeration! Our italian chef living for a few years now in Berlin said about those tomatoes that they are the best he has ever eaten in Germany. And, you know, most Italians are very proud about their food and especially their sun-blessed vegetables (absolutely justified!). They were really tasty!

Thanks to Gunnar Erth for writing the article for AEGEE Golden Times!

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