EVS has had a major impact on the lives of many thousands of young people over the past 20 years. More than 100.000 young people between 17 and 30 took part in this EU programme, developing skills and competences by contributing to the work of an organisation. EVS is funded by the Erasmus+-Programme of the European Union.
Our accreditation lasts till the end of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme in 2020 and empowers us to e.g. host EVS volunteers. During their stay in Dresden of up to twelve months the volunteers can learn lots of skills and improve themselves while working on AEGEE.
The online magazine AEGEE Golden Times published an interview with Jan Philipp Rauprich, former president of AEGEE-Dresden, about the reasons for applying, the long application process to become EVS-accredited, and the plans and ideas we have for the first volunteer.
European Voluntary Service factsheet